Wednesday, June 18, 2008

We limped back home.

The HuggaMutt inspects some enormous driftwood
in the Gateway area, just south of Downtown Elmira.
We both got a little banged up yesterday on our daily jaunt to the river. The cold weather is always welcome, especially after such an early heat wave. The windiness was a little hard on the muscles, though. There was just enough sunshine that I wanted to take full advantage and dressed to embrace it. The biting wind, however, won out.

Today, we are housebound and glad.

Little Pond



Sometimes I go ahead and do things that I KNOW are probably going to lay me up for a few days...and at least while I'm "laid up", I've got fond recall of whatever I did to cause it!! Suppose it's called "living"?

Linda D. in Seattle

pb said...

If we want to visit the Chemung River, we are going to have achy knees and twisty ankles all the time. It is not a park, it is a DEC reserve. Even the stuff that is owned privated (but still reserved by the DEC) is poorly maintained for the most part. Uneven land makes it hiking.

And it's what the HuggaMutt loves best!