Monday, August 04, 2008

I am not living this summer, merely reacting.

That's why there hasn't been a truly original post in weeks and weeks.

Multiple Sclerosis can be managed, but cannot be cured. That, too, is a game of reacting, not living.

Every time I try to live, the MS gets in the way. When I properly manage the MS, there is little time for living, and none for living free.

It is the middle of summer and I eagerly await the return of cooler, wetter days. The Dog Days are also Ragweed Days, when many of us wake with stuffy, achy heads, dry cough, and runny eyes and noses. Even my teeth hurt.

Funny story: my teeth hurt so bad one summer, I finally made an emergency visit with the doctor. He looked at my teeth and (I think) took an xray.

Diagnosis: swollen sinuses. That will be $50.00, thank you.

Right now I am preparing to take 4mg of chlorpheniramine maleate, the second of six I will need today. That is on top of 10mg of cetirizine hydrochloride. Neither medicine will elevate my blood pressure. There are also two forms of fluticasone proprionate to juggle. I will still need acetaminophen to help me sleep at noon and later at midnight.

And despite all our best efforts, the albuterol inhaler is getting a workout.

Doesn't sound very spontaneous, does it?

Little Pond


Denver Refashionista said...

Oh lady, I'm so sorry.

7hunterr said...

I am doing research for one of my proffessors and your blog, so simplicitistic but yet intriging found my interest. I have learned a lot about MS through my research and am encouraged by your ability to enjoy the simple things in life. You enbody a type of individuality that others forget;simplicity in a world of today is a gift. Despite the tremendous difficulties you are surpassing you find the ability to express life in its most inspiring form; simplistic revelations. Despite missing out on the life you once new, your empowered self allows you to transform into the person we all need to become, that person that can sacrifice, the one who can accept change(for better or worse) you found a way to look at life that can change the world. This may sound cheesy but to embody a spirit that can right about simplicity and still intrigue a reader, that is talent. Your journey will take you far but your transformation will encourage millions. whether it be a friend, your next door neighbor who admires you or a future student who is doing research. Thank you!


Blessed with little to no adult allergies, I do not envy a matter of fact, I "gift" you my favorite line: "It sucks to be me right now". Sorry 'bout all the mess...

Linda D. in Seattle

pb said...

Linda, I am jealous of those without allergies. But my feeling is that we all have something to deal with that maybe someone else would not overcome.

Actually my mother in law has worse problems. Her nose just runs so bad, that she actually has to stuff cotton in it to at least seem respectable.

7hunterr, you are welcome. Click in our blogroll to find others who are coping simply, day by day.

Also, you should know that I attribute my attitude to the late Dr. Abraham Low

and his program, Recovery.

Otherwise I would be such a mental mess with all this.

Have Myelin? said...

pb, ugh.

i know what you mean by "even my teeth hurt". a big yuck to that.

i too am tired of summer...or rather the things summer seems to bring.

i hope you start feeling better soon.


Miss Chris said...

I've been giving my inhaler a workout this summer too. Ugh!

Damian said...

Thanks for sharing this