Sunday, January 01, 2006

Resolution for the New Year?

After a holiday season of working too many hours, I am ready to post my resolution.
Yeah, only one.

To keep blogging.

It isn't the release from having an outlet. Not an unselfish desire to share information and techniques for coping with MS. I don't have it sussed; just chatting, really.

I just enjoy blogging.

Blogging brings new friends. Makes me feel a bit more fulfilled than otherwise. Making a mark. Not much of a mark, but my mark on the world. Not as a wife, or a daughter, or a mother, or an employee, or a patient. Just a blogger with other bloggers, reading, responding, writing. Our community. My community.

So I'll blog on.

Little Pond

1 comment:

Jh said...

I'm glad you will keep blogging! I enjoy coming over to your blogs for a new perspective and I am glad that we met through the blogosphere.
I have a few resolutions or "intentions" as I am calling them, but nothing that I will be kicking myself over if I don't get it perfect, as in years past. Mainly to be a more balanced person and more positive.
Best wishes for the new year!